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First General Meeting- 9/7


- We are starting the 101 Campaign where we celebrate 101 years Stratford has been in existence. Through the semester we'll have faculty coming in to teach things they don't normally teach/do Q&A's.

- A website is coming soon with a full archive of posters we've collected from back to the 1960s.

- We now introduce $5 dues to help us do more, better quality events. You have to pay by the time you vote in November.

- If you're interested in being on our Fundraising committee, message Allison Poms!



- Melissa Carter's devised piece: Auditions 9/14-15. Sign ups on call board!

- A cappella auditions 9/19-20. Ask Jonathan Martin for more info.

- Voices auditions: 9/9-10 (Sign up on call board)

- Dogfight auditions: 9/10 (Sign up on call board)

- New and Improv'd auditions: 9/22; Diego Fernando Salinas for more info

- Roof auditions: 9/12 (Sign up on call board)

- Maddy Night Live auditions: 9/17; Joey Cassella for more info

- USITT first meeting: 9/13 at 11am in Green Room


NEXT MEETING- 9/21 at 5PM in Forbes 1201

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